Alternative And Natural Medicine

Traditional Herb Cough Effectual

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A traditional medicinal herb that is effective cough there are some that can be practiced to treat stubborn cough. To relieve cough with taking traditional medicine will likely be spared from the side effects from drinking cough medicine, modern form of pills and syrups are made from a mixture of many chemicals.

To make a traditional medicinal herb cough is easy enough and the material used is also easy for us to meet around us. Here are some traditional medicinal herb cough efficacious and can be of our own making.

Traditional Herb Cough Medicine 1
- 2 tablespoons of pure honey, 3 grams of garlic and 1 piece of lime, how mixes the mashed garlic mixed with lime juice along with 2 tablespoons of water then strain. The results of the herb that has been filtered earlier mixed with honey and ½ cup warm water. To the rules of life, drink the potion at a time day and evening routine until cured. In the not how long a stubborn cough will be cured.

Traditional Herb Cough 2
1 orange juice and soy sauce, how mixes the lime slices squeeze the water is mixed with soy sauce and stir until blended. The rules of life, drink 3 times a day with a dose of 1 teaspoon to cough cure.

Traditional Herb Cough 3
Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of pure honey, 5 tablespoons of boiled water, then steamed for 30 minutes. The rules of life, for children aged 6 months -1 year: 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day; for children aged 1-3 years: 1 teaspoon 2 times a day; for children aged 4-5 years: 1 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day.

Traditional Herb Cough 4
Mandarin orange peel 10 grams of dried and 25 grams turmeric, how mixes are sliced ​​thin second material is then boiled with 400 cc of water, let it boil during the cooking water to the remaining 50% or half of it. The rules of life, after the water is boiled and the remaining 50% or half let sit a few minutes and drink while still warm. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis to cough cure.

Traditional Herb Cough 5
10 grams of dried mandarin orange peel and 250 grams of fresh squash or squash, boiled is how mixes the two ingredients mentioned above with 600 cc of water, let it stew until the remaining 50% or half of it. The rules of life, living water boiled or half the remaining 50% had been drunk while warm. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis to cough cure.

Traditional Herb Cough 6
10 pieces of betel leaf, how making it a drug is betel leaf was boiled with 400 cc of water, let it boil until the water remaining 50% or half of it. The rules of life, the remaining water was 50% or half drunk while warm. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis to cough cure.

That is some traditional medicinal herb cough that you can try at home. Hopefully this medicine is an efficacious traditional above can help cure your cough, but if the cough gets worse you should consult your family doctor.

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Tooth decay! Revoked or Patched?

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The pain and throbbing toothache result was indeed annoying. Pulling teeth are often regarded as a solution to get rid of pain in the teeth, but in certain circumstances the tooth can still be saved.

Persistent pain in the teeth, including when chewing or sensitive to foods, is a sign of tooth abscess. It could also be accompanied by fever, swollen lymph glands in the neck, and the body does not feel good.

Tooth decay is usually caused because the cavities are not treated properly and correctly. Reefs occur if an infected tooth bacteria, resulting in swollen and inflamed gums. The blood vessels in the gums swell and compress the nerve that feels pain.
To reduce pain, prior to the dentist, gargling with salt water dissolved in a glass of warm water can reduce pain. Sometimes revocation is the only way to cope with rotten teeth, but the dentist is generally preferred to retain teeth with fillings do.

Dental infections in children do not always have to be revoked. Depending on the infection and mouth hygiene. If the infection is widespread and cannot be helped then it should be repealed.

Tooth extraction in children can make teeth grow next uneven. This can be prevented by the use of a special tool to keep the tooth movement.

To prevent tooth infection, it is important to maintain dental hygiene by means of brush thoroughly twice a day and regular control to the dentist. Dental infections can interfere with the development of the child because most energy is used to fight the infection. Nutrient absorption can also be disrupted when his teeth hurt.

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Benefits Of Tomato

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Benefits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to the body can be known from scientific publications. For example, Edward Giovannucci in the publication titled "Tomato Products, Lycopene, and Prostate Cancer: A Review of the Epidemiological Literature at the American Society for Nutritional Sciences" 2005 argues that there is still controversy about the benefits of tomatoes in preventing various diseases one of them for prostate cancer.

Benefits of tomatoes as anti-prostate cancer is caused by the presence of lycopene in tomatoes. Lycopene is also found in various processed tomato products and its variations, such as: pizza, tomato soup, ketchup, juices, salads, spaghetti sauce, salsa, tomato paste. Variety of processed tomato products are a source of lycopene bioavailability her better than fresh tomatoes.

Uniquely other fruits such as red grapes and watermelon also contain lycopene. In addition to prostate cancer, the benefits of lycopene is also expected to be felt for patients with breast cancer, gastric cancer, degeneration of cells of the eye due to age (age-related macular degeneration), reduce levels of bad cholesterol, protect the skin from the fierce ultraviolet light, soften and beautify the skin, reduce skin wrinkles, etc.. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes actually also contain beta carotene, lutein, vitamin E, vitamin C, and flavonoids (one only: quercetin).

However, the results of the above studies contradicted by the results of research conducted by Etminan, M., Takkouche, B. & Caamano-Isorna, F. (2004) and Schuurman, AG, Goldbohm, RA, Dorant, E. & van den Brandt, PA (1998) who concluded that there was no positive correlation between tomatoes and prostate cancer.

Benefits of tomatoes on lung cancer is still controversial. Some studies suggest helpful, but other studies conclude there is no positive correlation between the two (tomato and lung cancer).

The results of epidemiological studies on the benefits of this tomato is still need to be reviewed, since to be effective and maximal, then there are some things to consider:

conduct a comprehensive assessment of the primary sources of lycopene, lycopene bioavailability counting, checking population with intake (intake) products tomatoes are high, calculate the temporal pattern due to a single diet or blood measurements in a given period of time is not enough, big enough population to evaluate the relative risks, examine whether the benefits of tomatoes or lycopene is influenced by genetic factors, called genetic polymorphisms, especially with respect to DNA repair genes .

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Eating Healthy And Balanced

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One way to implement a balanced lifestyle is to regulate food intake. Selecting any food that will be consumed, watching the numbers and discipline to eat only at mealtimes only the first step in implementing a balanced life. With this kind of discipline, the body will adapt and become accustomed to eating only healthy foods.

The human body needs a variety of nutrients for the functioning of every organ of the body. In fact, the children's nutrition plays an important role in supporting growth. The more varied the food you eat, the more complete anyway nutrients you get. Because no single food that contains all the nutrients the body needs. Various nutrients the body needs does not necessarily make us carelessly consume any food. It is precisely the set, you will gain long-term health provision.


Number of calories needed each person is different, depending on age and activity. Consuming meals according to calorie needs can help maintain a healthy weight. Attainment of a healthy weight is a balancing act between the number of calories in the number of calories spent for activities and daily metabolic processes. In addition to calories, other nutrients that need to be considered are the macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

Before determining the amount of macronutrient and micronutrient needs, you need to figure out your daily calorie needs. Based on the Recommended Daily Intake Indonesia in 2013, the caloric needs of adult males aged 19-29 amounted to 2725 kilo calories and needs of adult women aged 19-29 is 2250 kilo calories. Of this amount, you can split it into 3 major portions (breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snack or snack.

Calculation of macronutrient and micronutrient needs can be calculated as follows:
- As much as 50% -60% of the total calories come from carbohydrates. Generally carbohydrates yield 4 calories per gram.
- The need fat as much as 20% -35% of total calories per day. Fat produces 9 calories per gram.
- 10-15% of total daily caloric needs come from protein. Generally healthy adults need 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
- The body requires vitamins and minerals only in small amounts, but amounts seidkit can not be produced by the body, so must be obtained from food.


The selection of healthy foods that will affect your health. Within a day, to meet the balanced nutrition you need to consume food sources of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Each of these nutrients contained in food types different.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy or calories to the body. Carbohydrates can be found in many types of food and beverages. There are two kinds of carbohydrates, namely complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates provide energy longer for the body because it is absorbed slowly by the body. Source of complex carbohydrates such as rice, corn, cereals, oats, bread, flour, noodles, and pasta. While simple carbohydrates ingested properties immediately to produce energy at that time. Sugar, jam, and candy are examples of simple carbohydrates. So, choose food sources of complex carbohydrates to meet your daily energy.

Fats or lipids called, produces the most energy in the other macro nutrients and the body's main form of energy savings. Fat also helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. Many foods that contain fat sources with different amounts. Sources of healthy unsaturated fats include olive oil, canola, soybean, corn, sunflower, peanut, and other vegetable oils; trans fat free butter; nuts, sprouts, and avocado; as well as fatty fish such as salmon. Consumption patterns that are too low in fat, less than 20% of calories, can increase the risk of inadequate intake of vitamin E and essential fatty acids.

Protein is the main structural component of soft tissues, organs, and muscles. Amino acids contained in the proteins necessary to generate and maintain cell membranes, hormones, blood cells, body cells, immune, and enzymes that are important for processes such as food digestion. The protein is present in foods of animal and vegetable sources. Fish, poultry, and eggs are also important sources of protein. Fish rich in omega-3 fats. Chickens and turkeys are also a good source of protein and low in saturated fat. Dried beans, peas, beans, nuts, soy and whole grains (whole grains) are vegetable sources.

Vitamins and minerals
Although only needed in small amounts, vitamins and minerals are important nutrients for the body. Vitamins and minerals are found in fruits and vegetables. Consumption of vegetables and fruit regularly can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke, protects against various types of cancer, normal blood pressure, and many other diseases. Minerals such as calcium can be found in dairy products. The need for vitamin D are not met from the daily food intake can be met by supplementation of vitamin D.


Many found the debate about when you should eat. What you should eat frequent small meals or eating only one or two times a day with a large portion. Should not breakfast, or do not ever miss breakfast.
Little research is regarding the frequency of food and its effect on health. However, it is known that the frequency of eating that often has a positive impact on the results of laboratory tests of blood, especially LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and insulin. Frequency of eating frequently also helps to reduce hunger, increase basal metabolic rate, and improve appetite control be compared with the frequency of eating 1-2 times a day in large portions.
Eat three meals a day to distribute the nutrient intake in a day. If necessary, you can eat a snack such as fruit or other foods as part of the caloric needs.

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Various healthy diet

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 I. Atkinâ € ™ s Diet or Atkins Diet
The theory of Dr. Robert C. Atkins low-carb diet, high protein, high fat and without limiting the number of calories in, became very popular and much-loved women in America and around the world. Atkins diet is a way to allow to consume as much fat and protein such as red meat (beef), chicken, duck, eggs, cheese, butter up. But rice, corn, bread, potatoes, yams, cassava, and taro should be excluded or limited consumption.

Lose weight quickly, without hunger, without drugs, stay energized even on a diet

Atkin diet with the composition of foods high in protein, high fat and low carbohydrate levels become unbalanced diet, when practiced in the long term can cause kidney and liver dysfunction, the Atkins diet force the body to use energy from fat and become involved in ketosis. Ketosis will destroy muscle cells and dehydration, effects of nausea, headaches and difficulty concentrating. This gives rise to a deficiency of dietary nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. With this diet increases the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, and colon cancer due to lack of fiber intake. One thing that is important, that the high-protein diet increases the release of calcium from the kidneys thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Atkins Diet should not be performed by patients with impaired renal function and liver, children and adolescents in its infancy, lupus, pregnant and lactating women. Atkins Diet should not be used in the long term

II. The South Beach Diet
This diet was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston a cardiologist (heart specialists), by adhering to a diet high in protein, low in fat only use good fats (omega-3 and 6, as well as MUFA or monounsaturated fatty acids), does not limit the intake of complex carbohydrates (carbs with index low glycemic).

    Streamline the body without causing hunger
    Lowering blood lipid profile (cholesterol and LDL decreased)
    Supervise blood sugar levels
    Preventing heart disease because this diet encourages eating carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and good fats (essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6)

This diet does not restrict the amount of food intake. Foods with a low glycemic index overload can make the body less energy. This diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, child ren, adolescents in its infancy. Patients with kidney disease are not recommended, patients with heart disease and diabetes should be consulted before this diet.

III. Zone Diet
Carbohydrate diet with 40% of total calories, protein 30% of the total calories and fat 30% of total calories.

This diet can help you lose weight

Patients with kidney disease are not recommended on this diet because of the high levels of protein can increase the burden of kidney function.
Patients with heart disease and diabetes need to be consulted before this diet. Children, teens in its infancy, pregnant and lactating women is not recommended on this diet before consulting first.

IV. The Sugar Buster Diet
Consuming complex carbohydrates (carbohydrates with a low glycemic index).

Lose weight fast.

This diet is actually low-calorie diet is not balanced, it is necessary to first consultation for patients with heart disease, kidney and urinary sweet before this diet.
Complex carbohydrate foods with low glycemic index can cause a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing the desire to eat and lose weight rapidly.

Children, adolescents and pregnant and lactating women should consult.
On this diet for long periods can cause the body lacks the amino-acid, which acts to establish and maintain the body's defense system of the body tissues, in addition to the body becomes less energized. Supplementation of vitamins and minerals during this diet.

V. The Cabbage Soup Diet
Adheres to consume cabbage soup for 7 days in a row. On this diet lower the amount of complex carbohydrates, low protein content, fat content is also low.

Pros: very faster weight loss than other diets because it is very low calorie.

Disadvantages: This diet indirectly restricts a person's food intake, including a low calorie diet that is not balanced.
The cabbage soup diet is less desirable because they create a sense of hunger for those who are on this diet for body slimming purposes. Very low calories that can occur vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Need a multivitamin and mineral supplementation for those who are on this diet.

This diet can not be used in the long term and should not be applied to children in infancy, pregnant and lactating women, or in the medical supervision due to illness. This kind of diet can cause side effects fatigue, headaches, and decreased concentration. Also, it can cause bloating or feeling full in the stomach, which can cause heartburn because cabbage is a vegetable which can cause gas in the digestive tract

VI. Dairy Free Food Diet
This diet recommended by nutritionists in children with autism, celiac disease, gluten or dairy allergy and intolerance. On this diet allows foods containing gluten carbohydrates and protein instead of dairy products including cheese, butter made from cow's milk.

This diet helps overcome the cow's milk protein allergy in children, therapy helps children with autism and celiac disease. This diet also helps slimming program.

Keep in substitution of other proteins such as soy protein to replace cow's milk, when applied to children who are in a period of growth.

This diet can lead to deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins that need a multi-vitamin and mineral supplementation.
Patients with kidney disease should consult.

May be useful!

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Mandatory: Wise Ways to Quit Smoking

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Taking the decision to leave the cigarette is a courage of your own for active smokers. Some of you may have tried various ways to get out of the habit of smoking, but still did not manage to realize the noble goals.
Through the following ways you can run the process of eliminating the smoking habit that has ensnared you along:

    Clarify the reason you quit
    Give clear reasons to yourself before deciding to quit smoking. The reason "not good for health" alone is not enough. To increase motivation, you need a stronger reason and sense for yourself. Reasons such as: avoid family from secondhand smoke, want to look younger, to keep up appearances or to avoid lung cancer can be the answer to your goal.

    Do therapeutically
    Throw away your cigarettes and states have stopped completely indeed not as easy as you might think. 95% of people who try to quit smoking without treatment will re-touched a cigarette. They argued on the grounds of nicotine in cigarettes that causes addiction. The brain becomes accustomed to nicotine and very needed.

    Ask prescription drugs
    Consult with your doctor and ask them about prescription drugs should you consume. Now there are pills that can reduce hunger which affects chemicals in the brain. The drug also makes cigarettes as less satisfying activity, as well as help reduce the symptoms of depression or difficulty concentrating.

    Do not do it yourself
    Tell family, friends or colleagues while you are undergoing the process of quitting smoking. This action can give changes mean for you. Talking with a group or therapist is able to help you identify strategies and actions to stop you. Combined treatment with drugs that can increase your intent to quit smoking.

    Keep away from alcohol and other
    Alcohol is the most common triggers for smoking. If you are still in the early stages of the process, try to consume less alcohol than usual or move to other beverages. If you choose coffee, but the coffee turns out a similar effect, try switching to tea for a few weeks. If you smoke after eating, immediately brush your teeth or chew some gum to avoid a strong desire to smoke.

    Clean the house
    After the last cigarette, get rid of ashtrays and lighters you. Wash all of your clothes or carpets and curtains are leaving the smell of cigarette smoke. Use air freshener to get rid of cigarette scent in your home. This serves to eliminate your memory of everything about cigarettes.

    Physical activity can help you reduce nicotine opiate. When cigarettes 'call' you, immediately put skates and sports shoes near you. Moderate exercise such as walking with pets can also help you. Dispose of excess calories you can also ward off weight gain when you quit smoking.

    Consumption of fruit and vegetables
    Do not go on a diet while you are in the process of stopping smoking, but the focus on food such as vegetables, fruits, and other low-calorie foods. The study by Duke University say that the food is able to make cigarettes taste bad.

    Choose your own reward
    Give your self-esteem when you got out of the habit of smoking. Collect the money that you would normally use to buy cigarettes, and find that you are happy because they do not waste the money. Use the money for pleasure are positive for yourself and your family.

    Due to health
    From the whole way over, make an excuse "to do for the sake of health" as your main goal. Quitting smoking is proven to have a direct benefit to your life. In addition to lowering blood pressure, normalize levels of carbon monoxide, the risk of heart attack and recovery performance of the lung will be able you feel after a two-week to three-month process.

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Make a face mask of carrot

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Carrots are one of the fruits that has a myriad of benefits to our health. The most famous of all the benefits of carrots are carrots can nourish our eyes. That's because there is a substance in carrots that can be processed by the body and form a substance that will be very useful for the body. Substances that form what we call vitamins with vitamin A. So far the carrot is a fruit that has the most vitamin A content compared to other fruits.

However it turns out, vitamin A itself is not only useful as a vitamin for eye health. Vitamin A also has many benefits for our skin turns. There are several benefits that can be obtained from taking vitamin A in carrots. The beauty benefits of carrots for are as follows:

  1. Carrots can cure the face of acne.
One of the benefits of vitamin A to cure acne is stubborn in the face. Its function is able to clean the dirt that contains the bacteria that causes acne triggers, and also help the smooth circulation of oil on the skin so that the carrot can prevent the deposition of oil on the face which is the forerunner to the formation of acne on the skin.

2.    Another benefit than carrots for beauty is to prevent skin wrinkles. This is because carrots have a lot of the anti-oxidants which are very good for the skin which can prevent premature aging. In this day and age, in an age which is too competitive, which is almost instantaneous, but more complex, certainly it would be easy for someone to be triggered stress. Severe stress will potentially lead to aging, wrinkles. Then the other things that can lead to wrinkles also are air pollution that now more and more we find in urban areas, or in some foods that are not kept clean. All related premature aging can be overcome by eating carrots from within is by using juice, or with molded mask then it can be prevented or inhibited.

3.    Carrot is also helpful to keep the freshness and brightness of the skin. This is still related to vitamin A, which acts as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory as mentioned above. Departing from both these benefits, carrot able to rejuvenate the skin and clean the dirt that settles on the skin so that the skin looks fresher and brighter

  4.  Another benefit of carrot for skin beauty is to revitalize skin. If you have a lot of facial skin blemishes, acne scars or blemishes, then do not worry anymore... now there's a carrot that can help eliminate the problem of stubborn stains on the skin proficiency level. One of the problems of blemishes, acne scars or acne scars on the face. Carrots in addition to cleaning the dirt that settles on the face, including blemishes, scars can heal wounds and injuries, because that caused acne scars can be cured with the carrot mask.

Now we get into the way of making a carrot mask to be used as a face mask yes ladies. How to make it easy anyway, the steps are as follows:

Boil water in a pan, the volume of water has been just not too much. Then add some carrots to the cooking water. Boil carrots until soft. Then discard the cooking water, strain the carrots, and then puree carrots. Add honey to get maximum results, combine and mix the two.

Apply on the face as a whole, then wait until somewhat dried up approximately ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse your face with water to clean.

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Daily treatment for Vitiligo

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Patients with vitiligo should be mindful of the risk of other diseases such as vitiligo skin cancer, skin that easily burns, eye problems such as inflammation of the iris of the eye, loss of hearing ability, as well as dry skin and itching due to treatment.

Consequently, in everyday life, people who have vitiligo needed to exercise care and extra protection for the skin which include:

1. Protect your skin from the sunshine and UV rays in any form by using anti-sun cream is water resistant and broad spectrum with an SPF of at least 30 Repeat the use of anti-sun cream every 2 hours once and more often when you're swimming or sweating. 2 Always wear sunglasses and clothing that protects the skin.

3. Cover vitiligo with vitiligo concealer if indeed existence makes you less confident. But, be careful in choosing the product and consider the type of skin that contain dihydroxyacetone evasion safest.

4. Do not tattooing the skin with a procedure that is not related to the recovery of vitiligo because a tattoo can damage the skin and lead to new spots.

5. Consumption herbs Ginkgo biloba, folic acid, and vitamin B-12 as well as adequate sun exposure are thought to restore skin color.

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Can Vitiligo Be Cured ?

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Vitiligo or white patches on the skin younger can make sufferers inferiority. To this day there are new treatments to stop or slow the development and expansion of vitiligo and restore faded color. Some treatments are combined therapy can improve the skin's appearance, although not completely eliminate vitiligo.

Here are the various types of vitiligo treatment that can be tried:

1 skin cream that control inflammation, such as creams containing corticosteroids. This cream can help restore the color of the skin, especially if used since the beginning of the disease. This cream type including hard so can cause thinning of the skin and the emergence of the lines on the skin.
2 Vitamin D in the skin cream containing calcipotriene can be worn in conjunction with corticosteroids or ultraviolet light therapy. The side effects are dry skin, rash, and itching. 3 ointments or oils containing tacrolimus and pimecrolimus for the face and neck. Milder side effects when used with ultraviolet B (UVB). However, in long term use can cause lymphoma or skin cancer.

4 Combination drug psoralen with UVA and UVB photochemotherapy to restore skin color. When done regularly within 6-12 months, the skin will turn red until the original color of the skin back. Side effects include skin burns, blisters, itching, skin becomes too dark, the risk of cataracts, and skin cancer. Every time you finished the treatment of vitiligo, use a cream anti-UV, wear protective sunglasses from UV rays, and avoid sun exposure.

If therapy and medication are both less effective, surgery may be an option. This type of surgery include skin grafts on the type of light vitiligo, graft-making area blisters with blisters on the skin that is then transplanted into areas of vitiligo, as well as a tattoo micropigmentation inserting pigment into the skin.

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Know Vitiligo

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Finalists of America's Next Top Model Cycle 21, Chantelle Brown, Tyra Banks-Young selected as a unique skin. Chantelle skin condition called vitiligo experienced. As a result of vitiligo, the original color of the skin to fade and become younger in the strain of large patches on the skin.

 Hair color, skin, and eye melanin is determined. Easily, in patients with vitiligo, an abnormality in the body's immune system turns against and destroy the melanocytes that produce melanin in the skin. As a consequence, the melanocytes die or stop functioning. Condition vitiligo is not contagious or dangerous, but people with vitiligo can feel inferior.
 Another cause of vitiligo is hereditary in the family, triggered by sun exposure, stress, and harmful chemicals. Part of the body can be affected by vitiligo. But, vitiligo usually starts from the areas of the body that are open or frequently exposed to sunlight such as hands, feet, arms, face, and lips, followed by areas of hair, the inside of the mouth, and eyes.

 Here are some
 of the symptoms of vitiligo:

1 color fading.

2. Hair turned prematurely white or gray on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard up. This is usually before the age of 35 years. 3 The loss of color in the tissues in the mouth and nose.

4. Fading of color in the inner layer of the eyeball or retina.

5. Emergence splotches around the armpits, navel, genitals, and anus.

Vitiligo can occur in many places in the body and extends symmetrically (generalized vertigo), only on one side or one area of ​​the body that tend to occur at a younger age (segmental vitiligo), and only in a few areas of the body (focal vitiligo).

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Benefits of Raw Food Diet

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As the epithet implies, the food in the raw food diet does not involve processing and consumed in a raw state. Raw foods can you deplete in a raw food diet are fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and fresh sprouts are grown organically.
Raw food diet also makes food ingredients such as quinoa, almond milk, and Chia is known and favored by many people. You also do not have to worry about failing to get tired of eating raw food because food in the raw food diet can be made into a variety of interesting recipes. Call it a salad, cookies, cake, cookies, juices, and smoothies.

Actually, the cooking will produce nutrients such as beta carotene and lycopene in foods as well as kill bacteria that can cause intoxication. But, why the raw food diet requires food consumed in the altogether? The grounds, heating or cooking food destroys nutrients and natural enzymes in the food. In fact, these enzymes will aid the digestion of food and the fight against chronic diseases. Feeding raw foods were believed to cure headaches and allergies, increase endurance and boost memory, also restoring arthritis and diabetes. Raw food diet can also cook the skin healthier so that a person look youthful and cleanse the digestive system.

Still, the raw food diet allows foods served in a slightly warmer conditions. That is to say, the temperature does not exceed 47 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, raw food certainly does not take a lot of calories, fat, and sodium. As a consequence, the raw food diet is fairly effective when you want to make weight loss. here are a few things to remember when you want to start a raw food diet. For instance, the risk of a lack of protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12. Hence, to fix this, raw food, dieters are advised to consume extra vitamin supplements. Then, pay attention to hygiene of foodstuffs so no bacteria enter the body. Because the various cases of foods commonly consumed by raw food, dieters is still keeping a lot of the risk of bacteria.

The high risk of poisoning to make the raw food diet is not recommended for pregnant women, kids, the elderly (seniors), people with a weak immune system, and people with chronic medical problems such as kidney disease.

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How To Prevent Aging

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Look beautiful and younger must be every woman's desire. Several methods are used to create both. In fact, for some people, the symptoms of premature aging actually present when they are yet too young age (20-30 years).

 Such circumstances, it is certainly not desirable, but to prevent, avoid premature aging of the skin can be a youthful woman. Through the following ways you can call for precautions against premature aging:
  >  Use an anti aging cream that incorporates three components: collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans.
   > Use sunscreen when you are exposed to sunlight exposure. For homemakers, the use of sunscreen is also recommended to prevent exposure to sunlight can enter through the glass window of your home.
  >  Use sunscreen 15-30 minutes before sun exposure. Perform repetitions usage over three hours of usage.
  >  Sunscreen with SPF 30 can protect you during the +300 minutes. Reduction of sunscreen may result from the use of wiping sweat and sweat on the face. Hence it is advisable to use sunscreen again after the first 3 hours of use.
  >  We recommend applying a sunscreen with a sun so oppressive time, IE at 10:00 to 16:00.
   > Avoid exposure to UV rays, pollution, stress, cigarette.
   > Consumption of antioxidants is strongly recommended to help forestall the aging process.
   > Use a hat, long-sleeved shirt, eyeglasses, or be under the umbrella when the sun beams.
   > The process of aging that have already occurred can be overcome with the use of creams containing retinoids (helps in exfoliating dead skin cells) and hydroquinone.
  >  In addition, discussions such as peels, Microdermabrasion, laser and cryotherapy are also able to cope with aging.
  >  Consult with a dermatologist in order to capture the maximum care for your skin.

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Food to Improving Body Endurance

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Prevention is better than cure, so the saying goes that you would agree. One of the preventive measures against the disease is to make sure the condition of the immune system. In addition to keeping the immune system with regular exercise, some foods can also help give a positive effect in improving the body's immunity. Some of them are:

    Acai Berry. This fruit contains high antioxidants known as anthocyanins. This high antioxidant that helps the body fight disease.
    Watermelon. In addition to abundant water content, watermelon also contains anti-oxidants that glutathione can help fight infection.
    Cabbage. Similarly, watermelon, vegetables also contain a lot of glutathione. Suitable eaten as a complement to everyday dishes.
    Almond. This one kind of bean has been known to have many positive effects on health.
    The content of vitamin E and vitamin B it will increase endurance.
    Oranges. High content of vitamin C can boost immunity.
    Yogurt. Food is certainly derived dairy products contain vitamin D and in addition boost the immune system, yogurt is also useful for digestive health.
    Spinach. If you do not already know, this green vegetables including "super" because it contains a lot of good nutritional value for our health. Call folate, vitamin C, anti-oxidants, and fiber which are all beneficial to the body.
    Broccoli. Scientific studies have found that the addition of broccoli can increase endurance, these vegetables also contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and glutathione.
So, now you can enrich our everyday dishes with a variety of appetizing foods in addition, also has a positive impact, especially in improving endurance (immunity) of the body. Prevention is always better, is not it?

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What is Parkinson's Disease?

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Parkinson's disease is largely an older age, but can be experienced in Parkinson's disease phases of childbearing age, around the age of 40 years.

Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disease attacks the nerve cells in the brain called the basal ganglia which controls body movements. Nerve cells require a neurotransmitter called dopamine and acetylcholine in the sum of balance in order to provide a signal to the cell to control body movements. Patients with Parkinson's disease will have a shortage of dopamine in the body.

Other genes that cause Parkinson's disease in addition to age are descended, viral infections, and exposure to hazardous chemicals such as insecticides, trichlorethylene (TCE) and perchlorethylene (PERC) which is a solvent paint and glue.
Early symptoms of Parkinson's disease include shaking on one hand, foot, or head while resting called "tremor at rest". In advanced levels, this shaking will be felt on both sides of the body. Besides shaking at rest, movement will also slowed and the body becomes strong. The remainder will be disrupted so that the patient will easily fall. While walking, the patient will suffer a small step on the road like the longer and faster.

Symptoms of Parkinson's disease not only in motor symptoms, but there are also other symptoms such as forgetfulness and dementia, excessive anxiety, depression, personality disorders, sleep disorders, talks into soft like a whisper, writing into small pieces, and become flat faces.

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How to lose weight?? Chia As a food to Lose Weight

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Chia plant once was popular as an ornamental plant. But, this time the seeds of chaos plant are known as a healthy food that contains a lot of benefits for those who want to get the ideal body weight.

Chia seeds are Salvia hispanica plant that is widely grown in Mexico. The cast is small and black and white. Chia contains omega-3 acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and CA. One ounce of Chia seeds contains 139 calories, 4 grams of protein, 9 grams of fat, 12 grams sugars, 11 grams of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Chou holds a neutral flavor, so it can be added to food or drink. For example, food grains, sauces, vegetables, rice, yogurt, and smoothies, puddings. Easily, if the Chia seeds sown into the water, the seeds will swell like basil.

Roughage in the Chia seeds will make the stomach full faster and avoid overeating. Nevertheless, various studies about Chia seeds is still controversial. Some works show no association between weight loss and cardiovascular health in participants who consumed Chia seeds. Thus, the use of chia seeds in weight loss can still be recommended. Still, it could not hurt to add Chia seeds in your daily menu considering Chia nutrients contained fairly abundant.

Inside a day, Chia seeds consumed as much as two times, respectively mean much as 20 grams or less than two tablespoons. Nevertheless, for those who suffer from grain allergies, you should consult first security, consume Chia seeds to the doctor.

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Tips to Overcome Foot Odor

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Smelly feet (bromodosis) can be experienced anyone. Still, foot odor common in teenagers and pregnant women due to hormonal changes, stress, too much standing, sweating (hyperhidrosis), and taking certain medications. Feet sweat because it has more sweat glands than other regions of the body.

The causal agent of foot odor is having a fungal infection foot, footwear (shoes or socks) which was never replaced, and sweaty feet. Particularly when the active legs moving and stood in a long time. Instead, the shoes have been worn back when before is still wet with sweat.
Sweat makes the shoes damp causing bacteria. When sweat combines with bacteria, comes the foot odor. Although the shoes have been withdrawn, the bacteria will continue to grow. Particularly if the shoes are not immediately washed and dried.

Comfortably, to prevent foot odor, you should keep the feet remain clean and often change footwear. For instance, never use the shoes for two days in a row, keep the shoes dry completely before use, diligent washing and drying the feet, change socks, and wearing socks made from wool or cotton and not nylon. If your feet sweat easily, the following tips to prevent foot odor:

• Wipe the sidelines of the toes with cotton cloth dipped in alcohol, then dry with a towel.

• Use spray deodorants or antiperspirants on foot.

• Wear socks sport that is able to keep feet dry.

• Wear shoes made of leather or canvas.

• Limit the usage of plastic shoes so feet can breathe.

• Barefoot in the household.

Nevertheless, if  you've already experienced foot problems foot odor, try to wash the feet with antibacterial soap and find out the type of foot cleaning products on the market for you to use. Be careful in getting into a special antibacterial soap foot if the feet are cracked or have skin problems eczema.

If the scent is not too lost leg after trying various treatments, then try to consult a doctor. The doctor will probably discover the cause and provide treatment.

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Sundries about Wisdom teeth

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What about the wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the third molars or molars on the top and bottom, which is placed at the very back of the mouth. Known as wisdom teeth, because usually when a person matures in age from 17 to 21 years or older, so it is considered enough to get some "wisdom". Wisdom teeth are good for you and are in the correct position, or wisdom teeth which are still buried in the jaw will not cause any problems.

Failure teeth to produce well in line ranks known as an impacted tooth or teeth that do not grow. In reality, any tooth can become impacted, only the most experienced the wisdom teeth. If you are not in the right position and function, the tooth will be considered to be revoked for causing impaired mastication, closing the mouth, the teeth become uncomfortable, headache, and presence of a foul odor due to trapped food scraps.

What caused the problem with the wisdom teeth?

At the time of growth, wisdom teeth could probably work out half of your gums as a way out so that the teeth can cause gum tissue to grow over that covered almost half of the tooth were growing. The maturation of the wisdom teeth are not perfect and cannot be trapping the rest of the food consumed and if not properly cleaned can develop the potential for infection in the gums around the teeth that will grow.

Wisdom teeth can also appear in a tilted position or misdirected. If your jaw is not big enough to provide space, wisdom teeth can have a devastating effect because it is not able to penetrate the gum you to get the right position to grow. You may have difficulty either when cleaning around wisdom teeth, because teeth are placed so far in the back of your mouth and are at a slant.

What are the symptoms that can come up in problematic wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth often do not have any symptoms when under normal circumstances. Nevertheless, there are some symptoms that indicate your wisdom teeth need to be removed or taken care, among others:

    Pain or stiffness in the jaw around wisdom teeth, hence that was difficult and or pain when opening the mouth.

    Pain or irritation of the teeth that come at the wrong position when brushing your cheek, tongue, upper and lower mouth.

    Infected swelling in the gum tissue above the teeth penetrate the gums.

    Incidence of dental caries (cavities) in the emerging wisdom teeth or molars in front of the wisdom teeth as a termination of the oblique position of the wisdom teeth.

Most problems will get wisdom teeth at the age between 15 and 25 years. Few people older than age 30 years may see problems that wisdom teeth need to be removed.

How wisdom teeth problems can be diagnosed?
The dental practitioner will examine your teeth and gums for signs of emerging wisdom teeth and to determine the exact position of the growth of wisdom teeth. You would be well counseled to do dental X-rays with the help of X-ray to determine whether your wisdom teeth will cause problems for now or may issue in the future.

How do I fix this?
The most usual treatment for wisdom teeth to overcome the problem is by removal or tooth extraction. Experts differ about the decision to pull out wisdom teeth do not cause symptoms or problems later on. 

Nevertheless, oral surgeons generally agree that pulling wisdom teeth are easier to do at the young age, usually before age 20 because the roots of the teeth and jaw bones have not fully developed. After age 20, the jaw bones tend to be harder, and healing generally takes longer.

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natural remedies for tooth pain or infection

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natural remedies for tooth pain or infection - Who can suffer when the pain suddenly struck tooth, tooth pain is often the case when you are the owner of sensitive teeth. But not uncommon for people who take in poor oral hygiene also feel the same way. You will be more irritable and explode when this toothache does not break away even after seeing a doctor, you can actually use the materials available at home to relieve aches and pains that interrupt.

Feel free to use one of the tips to relieve tooth pain quickly following:

1 compresses with ice cube
Consider a few ice cubes are put in bags or pocket kompresan towels, place it on the painful area. The low temperature will help soothe the pain that interferes.

2. Warm water and salt
Use warm saline solution for gargling, the old-fashioned way is still powerful to overcome the annoying pain in the teeth as it helps clean the bacteria in the mouth.

3 pieces of cold cucumber
Refrigerated cucumber slices, can be compression soothing pain. In summation to the minerals and vitamins that help relieve the pain in the teeth.

4 Oil of oregano
Use oregano oil on cotton and place it on the affected part, oregano oil is considered to be an antiseptic that can reduce pain.

5. Warm tea bags
Take a tea bag containing black tea, warm water and use it on the affected area as compression. Natural ingredients are capable to help you cope with the pain in the tooth that interferes.

6 Garlic
Crushed garlic and scatter a little salt, put the tooth pain. Reportedly, this technique can help you melt off the pain in the teeth.
Easily, that's some easy ways to natural remedies for tooth pain or infection . If you do not have painkillers or have not been to the doctor, is a very efficient way to help you. Go Well.

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Foods that make your teeth whiter

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Foods that make your teeth whiter - Interesting and pleasant smile is a grin that is also accompanied by a row of teeth are neat and clean. White teeth, not necessarily its bright color or white, and vice versa. But unfortunately not all people have bright white teeth like those of the people who advertise toothpaste. Teeth tend to yellow or bright does not ordinarily make us less confident and insecure, especially if we are among the people who have teeth that are bright and clean. To get white teeth and bright, people mistakenly thought as brushing your teeth is not solid enough. By doing so, many who brushed their teeth over backwards to make clean white teeth. Though not so, even brushing your teeth with a strong force to attenuate email teeth and is not safe for the teeth. By doing so, brushing teeth over backwards is not the solution to whiten teeth using toothpaste especially with that too much. And worse, the research established that use too much toothpaste and swallowed toothpaste that can lower IQ. To make white teeth clean and bright, now no longer a difficult thing to obtain. At once the teeth are white and cerise will be yours. Here are some hints and ways you can do to make bright and white teeth clean in a way that is natural and safe: 

Brushing teeth with strawberries. Strawberry fruit could actually whiten teeth, how, crush strawberries (not too subtly) then rub on our teeth. Do it regularly and feel the consequences.

Rub with orange peel. Without us knowing it, the orange peel contains  can whiten teeth. It is very easy, by rubbing fresh orange peel, on our teeth. Orange peel is rubbed the inner.

By chewing a carrot. The content of its can remove plaque and whiten teeth when we chew.

By chewing apples. Besides apples contain vitamins that many also have content that can lift stains and plaque on the dentition. Routine eating apples every day because it can naturally whiten teeth when we chew.
Brush your teeth regularly and properly. You need to see that not brushing your teeth too strong because it can damage your tooth enamel.

Smearing with lemon juice. Lemon, in addition to good to brighten the skin, can also be used to your teeth, the lemon juice is applied to your teeth and wait a while before brushing teeth.

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Natural whitening underarm deodorant

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Natural whitening underarm deodorant - Not only face who wants to attend and appear white, the armpits which is a member  of the human body that stores a lot of sweat glands and because of certain factors that many people have black armpits. Sometimes the black armpit problem is non trivial, there are some people regard as a major problem and desperately to bleach it in various ways. Did you know in that respect are actually around us have used underarm whitening at any time and naturally, so the health risk can be minimized. Here are some underarm whitening ingredients that we have successfully collected:

     The first underarm bleach is a lemon, content that is in the lemon is believed to bring rid of black spots that armpit whiter than before. Ways to whiten underarms naturally is by hiring a lemon and then cut into two parts. Apply the pieces after a bath and rubbed on the surface of the armpit. After 10 minutes of taking root, wash with clean warm water

    Do not waste orange peel. Orange peel can be used to bleach the underarm by means shredded and then dried in the sun for several days. Mix with milk and rose water to make a paste, use a scrub for ten minutes. Immediately rinse with cold water.

    Baking soda is not just groceries. A paste made of baking soda and plain water can be applied as a scrub in the armpit to rid it of dead skin cells and open pores. Instead, you can use it to dry after a shower.

    Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, which can be used for beauty and is widely known as a hair loss drug. Coconut oil can moisturize the skin when mixed with vitamin C effect is nice because it can increase the production of collagen and become a natural underarm whitening. The trick, blender orange peel which has been given coconut oil droplets. Do not mix until smooth, let the grains still feel rough, then rub on the skin of the armpit.

    No need to doubt the efficacy of milk for health and beauty. You can combine two tablespoons of milk with a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of buttermilk. Blend well and use them in the substructure of t Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. d water. Another mixture that you can try are milk, honey, and a pinch of turmeric.
There are two methods to joins. Foremost, a thin layer of potato slices, then apply to the base of the arm / armpit. Or scrape the potatoes and use the armpit. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse with water.. If you want quicker results, you can repeat this process several times.

    Just like potatoes, thinly sliced ​​cucumber and apply to the infrastructure of the armor grated until smooth and mix with turmeric and lemon juice. Use every day or every other day for more honest results. Cucumbers are also commonly applied to treat the face with a mask made.

    Sandalwood not only fragrant, but also can be used for underarm whitening. Combine rose water and sandalwood powder until the pasta. Exercise for 15 minutes, then rinses with cold water. The perfume of sandalwood will also save you from unpleasant body odor.

    Lime and whiting can be combined for underarm whitening. Combine lemon juice with water whiting and rub along the skin surface armpit after a shower. Execute the routine so that the black underarm skin, so you can go back to white confidently when wearing sleeveless clothes.

     Mix the rice flour with vinegar to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the underarms after a hot shower. Let stand until dry, then rinse with water to warm. Not only make your arms look brighter base, this spot is also effective to eradicate the bacteria and germs that cause odor.

    Take toothpaste that you take in and apply at your fingertips, then rub the toothpaste in your armpit until smooth skin, and rub for about 15 minutes. Exercise regularly if you want to get maximum results.

Prevention is better than cure, then you are confused to see a better bleach your armpits to prevent. Following prevention tips, if you are glad to wear deodorant or powder, you'd better clean it regularly so that the armpit is not black. When bathing, apply soap to clean the remnants of powder and deodorant that is still attached to the skin surface. Ways to whiten underarms naturally followed was careful to wear deodorant, especially when in a state of underarm hair long.

Other peaks are in terms of choosing a deodorant. Deodorant of your choice could be the sight of his black skin around the armpits. Perhaps the content in it is not in conformity with your skin so it makes it black. Rather than hazard, you can prevent underarm odor with 'natural deodorant'. After bathing, apply baking soda on your armpits. Baking soda can also wipe out the bacteria that cause odor in the armpits.
You demand to know blacks in the armpit can be a collection of dead skin cells. For that, you have to answer is throw away all the dead skin cells and replace them with new ones. Naturally, exfoliation can also be caused by rubbing the skin of the armpit using a bath sponge or loofah. By rubbing, will provoke skin cells to make new layers that have been damaged.

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Diet Foods to treat hemorrhoids

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Diet Foods to treat hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids caused by swelling and inflammation of the blood vessels in the anus. These diseases often cause pain, itching, bleeding even when defecating. To minimize the pain in the rectum, you can eat some of the following foods:

 Raw onion
The results showed that the raw onion can reduce the pain and stop bleeding in the rectum. To get maximum results you should consume regularly three times a day.
Not only relieve pain only, the nuts were able to cure hemorrhoids. The content contained in soybeans, peanuts, and other nuts can eliminate hemorrhoids naturally.
Bananas are believed to be able to launch the process of defecation. Some researchers suggest eating bananas twice a day every morning and afternoon, and milk to smooth bowel movements.
Pomegranate is believed to cure hemorrhoids by researchers. Boil pomegranate that has been cut into pieces in hot water so that the germs that stick can be lost.

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Nasal polyps treatment

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Nasal polyps treatment -  Nasal polyps is a disease in which one
ear disease, nose and throat (ENT). Nasal polyps is that you usually know that there is a sort of bump on the nose, some people also can call as nasal tumors. Nasal polyp is actually a disease that happens due to the growth of the mucous membranes which are benign. Although the disease is not excessively dangerous for the sufferer but if not dealt with seriously and not make immediate treatment, nasal polyps would disrupt the patient's own.

More often than not, this disease will attack the nose pop adults older than 20 years. Nevertheless, you should not assume that the age of 20 years and under will not be affected by the disease of nasal polyps, because we will never know if the disease can happen to anyone at anytime. We will never know when the disease will attack us, but if we already know the symptoms and the crusade of this could be a reference for us to perform the treatment as soon as possible.


Polyps are commonly grown in areas where the mucous membranes swell due to fluid retention, such as the area around the sinus cavities in the nasal cavity. When newly formed, a polyp looks like a tear and if it has ripened, its shape resembles grapes grayish.

Polyps cause nasal obstruction, because the patients often complain of decreased function of the sense of smell. Because the sensory faculties of touch with the sense of smell, then the patient may also experience a decrease in the function of the senses of taste and smell.

Nasal polyps can also have blockage of the drainage of mucus from the sinuses to the nose, this blockage causes the accumulation of mucus in the sinuses. Mucus is too long in the sinuses can get infected and eventually sinusitis. Masses with children often nasal voice and breathe through his mouth.


A nasal spray containing corticosteroids can sometimes shorten the size of polyps or even remove polyps.
Surgery is done if:
    Polyps obstruct the respiratory tract
    Polyps block the drainage of the sinuses so often happens sinus infection
    Polyps associated with tumors.
Polyps tend to turn back if the cause (allergies or infections) are not controlled, the use of a nasal spray containing corticosteroids can slow or prevent recurrence. Only if this recurrence heavy nature, surgery should be done to improve sinus drainage and dispose of infected materials.

If you experience persistent nasal congestion and increasingly severe coupled with the always dripping snot and impaired olfactory function, chances are you suffer from nasal polyps. Nasal polyps occur because of the visual aspect of the soft tissue in the nasal cavity, which is white or gray. This mesh can be observed directly with the naked eye after enlarged nostrils with a nasal speculum.

Nasal polyps are usually affected adults are likely induced by a hypersensitivity reaction or an allergic reaction in the nasal mucosa lasting. Some other elements that increase the chances of developing nasal polyps include sinusitis (sinus inflammation) is a chronic, irritation, nasal obstruction due to anatomical abnormalities and enlargement of the turbinate.

The principle of treatment of nasal polyps is polipnya overcome and avoid the causes or agents that led to polyps, small polyps when treated with oral drugs and spraying with a nasal spray. Nevertheless, if a large polyp and not made possible with oral medication or spray it should be surgically removed of polyps.
Alas, when factors that cause polyps are not resolved then is prone to nasal polyp recurrence so repeatedly. Thus, patient compliance is desirable to avoid things that cause allergies which can lead to the occurrence of nasal polyps.

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Foods To Lose Weight

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Foods To Lose Weight For Good Healthy Diet

A great deal of good food to be made as your diet in losing weight. Therefore, we will inform you the diet menu to lose weight that you can make the menu diet. Food To Lose Weight

Diet Menu

1 Add fruits and vegetables to your diet
Fruits and veggies are the foundation of a healthy natural diet, they are a healthy diet low in calories and high in nutrients. Which implies they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Fruits and veggies should be part of every meal and your first choice, for the purpose of a snack for a minimum of five portions each day. Eating fruits and vegetables every day is certainly better.

2 More eating healthy carbs and whole cereals
Make healthy carbohydrates and roughage sources, especially whole grains a part of your daily diet, for long lasting energy. In gain to being delicious and satisfying, whole grains are rich in antioxidants and low in calories. They help protect against coronary heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

 Studies have depicted people who eat more whole grains tend to have a healthier heart.
Include a mixture of whole grains in your healthy diet, including whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, and barley. Experiment with different grains to determine your favorites. A bowl of Quaker Oats breakfast will help hold your heart disease. Avoid refined grains such as sugar, pasta, and breakfast cereals that contain no wheat.

 3 Fiber is an important element of a healthy diet
Dietary fiber is found in plant foods (fruits, vegetables and whole cereals) is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Character is a great endorsement of a healthy diet low calorie diet to help you feel full faster and for a longer number, and keep your blood sugar stable. A healthy diet contains approximately 20-30 grams of fiber per day, but most of us only get about half that amount.

4. Put protein in perspective
Protein gives us the push to keep going. A deficiency of protein in our diet can slow growth, reduce muscle mass, lower immunity, and weaken the heart and respiratory system. Protein is very important for children to induce growth. Such as: fresh fish, chicken, tofu, eggs, beans or nuts.

 5. Add calcium & vitamin D for strong bones
Calcium and vitamin D are essential for hard bones and healthy. Vitamin D is essential for optimal calcium absorption in the small bowel. Recommended calcium levels are 1000 mg per day, 1200 mg if you are over 50 years old. Which include large sources of calcium are:

    Dairy products, fortified with vitamin D.
    Leafy vegetables, such as sugar and green Sosin.
    Nuts which includes peas.

6 Limit sugar and polished grains
It's fine to enjoy sweets, but try to reduce the sugar. Sugar causes high energy which causes health problems such as arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, headaches, and low. Here is a possible solution for you:

    Give the menu changes with a little sugar.

Avoid drinking sugary drinks. One 12-Oz soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar in it! Try sparkling water with lemon or a dab of fruit juice.
Eliminate processed and junk foods. Processed foods and foods prepared from white flour and white sugar cause your blood sugar to rise.

7 Avoid excessive salt

The salt itself is not unsound, but most of us consume too much salt in our diet. There is a possible solution for this problem:
    Limit sodium to 2,300 mg per day, the equivalent of one teaspoon of salt. Most of us take in far more than a teaspoon of salt per day.
    Avoid processed, packaged, restaurant and quick food. Processed foods like canned soups or frozen meals contain sodium that exceeds teaspoon a day.

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Faults In The Diet

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Faults In The Diet - Have you ever tried dieting, but it never runs? When dieting or weight gain even happen? The are common mistakes caused by people who go on a diet, you might be one culprit:

1 Reduce the number of meals, not eating
This is frequently done by dieters, with over one hour to eat as breakfast or dinner. Though breakfast is important as the elemental energy to do activities throughout the day and avoid excessive consumption of sugar or fat when hungry.
Moreover, eat regularly (3 times a day) will increase your metabolism which helps slim down weight as fat and calorie burning process easier. It is inversely proportional to the body when in a state of hunger, where metabolism will naturally break down.

2 diet that restrict food groups to consume a certain
The diet recommends eating no carbs or fat at all, and only consumes fruits and vegetables are not beneficial for health, because the body needs vitamins and minerals would not be provided, especially for adolescents. The physical structure still needs calories and balanced nutrition to maintain health. Chose low-fat foods than do not eat fat at all.

3. Consumption of calories too low
For adult females, the body needs about 2000 calories per day, while men need about 2500 calories. If calories in is limited to about 1000 calories or even less, it will contribute to low metabolism and anemia.

4. Sports
Yet sport can increase metabolism which aids the process of burning fat and calories, weight will go down faster.

5. Consumption salad
Eating a salad is good, but it should be recalled that the accompanying mayonnaise salad also contains a fairly high fat.

6. Do not drink milk
Consuming milk every day is still called for, especially low-fat high calcium milk because it can strengthen bones and body nutritional supplement.

7. Weight loss dramatically
Weight loss should not be more than 1-2 pounds a week because it can contribute to other health complications, such as liver and kidneys, are forced to work harder to replace reserves of glucose in the blood. It can intervene with your health.

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High dietary fiber

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Fiber has long been recognized to improve digestive health and functioning well as regularity, but it is only two parts of the various benefits offered by fiber. Established in a research study published in a journal of clinical nutrition American (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition), found that people who eat a diet high in fiber from grains (oats), barley (barley), eggplant (eggplant). Okra, and other vegetables, cholesterol decreased to near 30 percent after 4 weeks.

Useful addition to bettering the health of the digestive system and lowers the level of cholesterol, high-fiber diet can also help you reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as to maintain and sustain the weight remains in control.
Food sources of fiber include wheat bran, nuts and many vegetables are safe sources of soluble fiber. Besides wheat, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium are a useful source of fiber for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
The benefits of a diet high in fiber

    Normal defecation
    Fiber increases stool weight and size, and can soften the feces. Fiber can accelerate spending because the feces is not digested or absorbed by the fiber. Fiber may reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

    Helps maintain the wholeness of the gut and intestinal health
    Diet can lower the risk of hemorrhoids or piles and small scoops in the colon (Diverticular disease). More or less fiber is fermented in the large intestine. The researchers looked at how this may play a part in preventing colon disease.

Lowers blood cholesterol levels
    Insoluble fiber is found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat bran may help lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol. Epidemiological surveys have shown that increased fiber in the diet can lower blood pressure and inflammation, which also protect heart health.

Help control blood sugar levels
    Fiber, especially soluble fiber, can slow the absorption of sugar, which for people with diabetes can help lower blood sugar levels. A diet that includes insoluble fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

This also helps in weight loss
    Diets high in fiber take a long time to chew so give the body time to signal satiety thus helping to lose weight and tend to not consume too much. Besides fiber diet tends to fix a meal feel larger and linger - so the longer the stomach longer to feel hungry again. Diets high in fiber tend to be less energy means calories and very serious for people who are trying to lose weight.

Prevention of colorectal cancer
    Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of high fiber in the prevention of colorectal cancer, but some studies showed no effect on the prevention of colorectal cancer that is still in controversy. Whatever it is, the fiber has been examined to help the health of the intestine.

Side effects of high dietary fiber
High-fiber diets cause effects such as bloating, intestinal gas production increased and sometimes cramps. In anticipation of this, the high-fiber diet should slowly and gradually over a few weeks. It likewise provides an opportunity for the natural bacteria in the digestive system to adjust to the change. In addition, drink plenty of water because fiber works better when it absorbs urine and makes the stools become soft and big.

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Healthy Diet Can Slim in one month

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Healthy Diet Slim one month -  Whose name is a goodly life, all from a healthy mind and correct and healthy diet as well. Not the end result that matters, but how the process live in changing your lifestyle. A healthy diet alone is actually a set of management in the diet. A healthy diet program that truly is a healthy diet that has become a way of daily life, not for a while a month or even a week. It will be less effective if done because this behavior will return to normal in the end. It is to take up a healthy diet, you should start from the first light and it could be as long as you live with intention and stable consistency.
Following a healthy diet is easy:

    Sugar free
    Sugar is a kernel that causes the body to produce the hormone insulin is very high, which is known as the insulin spike. The body makes insulin so that sugar can be inserted into the cell body. Like a lock and key, then insulin is the key that opens the cell door lock so that the sugar can enter the mobile phones of the body. If the physical structure is forced to constantly receive high concentrations of sugar, then insulin function becomes diminished. This occurs because the body's cells are not or less sensitive to insulin. As a termination, we are at risk of suffering from obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, or stroke. Thus, if you do not want to remove the taste of sweet, sugar palm sugar is recommended, because the palm sugar is natural sugar. During processing correctly, the palm sugar is a relatively healthy option for the human body.

    Switching to complex carbohydrates
    Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are fat in fiber, that is, the release of blood sugar will be stable. For example, brown rice, whole wheat dough, potatoes (with skin). Brown rice contains Vitamin B complex and fiber, which is essential for energy processing and digestion. Impingement on the body, our energy more stable all day, more energetic, productive, and high stamina. Complex carbohydrate is stored as fat is more difficult, for it, more healthy, slim, and efficacious to reduce cellulite. By eating a complex carbohydrate, the mood also become better, more positive, and not easily cranky.

    Eating fruit before eating
    The best bite is fruit of the body. In a day, we should consume at least two kinds of fruit, to eat three times a day. Juiced fruit is okay, with a line, instead of juice packaging. Using up a plate full of fruit a day, such as the intestines washed, auto body metabolism will also rise. Why should it be before eating? The goal, simply, to remember. The stomach fills first, so the calories in a little more. Vitamins and minerals that makes it will facilitate the processing of edible energy source. The ambiance becomes more alkaline the body, thus reducing the risk of cancer, osteoporosis, and other degenerative diseases.

    Fried oil-free
    Saturated fat content generated through the frying process will contribute to increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. This is the bad cholesterol triggers heart disease, high blood pressure, and other degenerative diseases.

    Do not bear to go to the gym and do not need to be extreme every day, select the sport what makes you happy. At a minimum, walking close to the mall before buying goods, it can be calculated sports.

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Soursop leaves As a solution to Kill Various Cancer Cells

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Soursop leaves As a solution to Kill Various Cancer Cells -  Presently, there are many unknown if the content of soursop leaf is a natural substance that has anticancer properties. Although the actual research on soursop has revealed late 1990s by a researcher from the Institute of Technology Bandung. Not merely as an anticancer drug, the seeds can be used as a vegetable pesticide to eradicate pests such as Helicoverpa armigera larvae.

Even then, not everyone can decide to use herbal remedies. There are just about people who choose to combine it with medication from a doctor. But many also prefer herbs alone, for fear if surgery and chemotherapy. To ward off any kind of thought that is more personal, it would be nice if you know how natural or herbal treatments that fight cancer directly proceed. Herbaceous plants can fight cancer directly, as well as very well as a complement to conventional medicine.
Herbal remedies can boost immunity, and scale down the side effects or complications of the disease, the treatment system can improve the quality of life. Here are the benefits of soursop leaves as an anti-cancer :

>    Benefits contained in it will attack and defeat cancer cells safely and selectively. Of the 12 different types of cancer, including colon cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and pancreatic cancer, soursop leaf content will influence in accordance with the type of cancer. Effectively and naturally, without nausea, weight loss, ran, but loss, as would happen if undergoing chemotherapy.
>    Boost the immune system or resistance and prevent deadly infections.

>    Having a working power 10,000 times stronger in slowing the development of cancer cells when compared with adriamicin and chemotherapy is commonly used.

>    When compared to chemotherapy, a natural ingredient selectively soursop leaves only kill the defective cells, and will not kill healthy cells.

>    Due to the natural content of the drug, soursop leaves will increase staying power and vitality.

>    With the scientific research on soursop leaves, has been shown by some cancer patients as a natural remedy solution that is safe and cheap to treat cancer.

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Efficacy of Clove

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Efficacy of Clove - Not solely has a distinctive aroma, clove is also beneficial to health. Cloves are also frequently used to add flavor food. In summation, it also has the ability cloves cleaning and anti-inflammatory properties are good.

Thither are many benefits contained in the cloves, among other things:
1. Being able to rid the body of harmful toxins and germs. By learning a few cloves, it can help improve the health of your body.

2. Cloves can help protect damage caused by bugs. As well, it can help stimulate the energy in any part of the body.

3. Cloves can help ease pain during dental pain. By offering a piece of clove on the aching tooth, the pain will subside.

4. Cloves contain eugenol, which imparts a distinctive aroma, relieve pain during dental pain, and clear the bacteria in the mouth.

5. Not merely as a protection from the inside. Cloves can also protect the body from mosquito bites.

6. Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties so as to handle the inflammation and infection.

7. Chewing a few cloves of cloves can help care for digestive problems.

8. Cloves also help heart health and diabetes.

9. Cloves have purification properties where this herb can help purge the blood.

Simply add the cloves in your eating diet in the form of curry, soup and main course get the maximum benefit.

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Main Causes Weight Gain Up

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Main Causes Weight Gain Up - There are various reasons that lead to weight gain someone today, whether from lifestyle, eating excessive junk food, lack of physical activity, irregular sleep patterns, and others. Tim Crowe, a nutrition expert from Deakin University Academic and freelance writer in Thinking Nutrition, narrowed so the number one cause of weight gain someone.
The tracing are the things that cause weight loss easy ride:

Lack of sufficient sleep
    Someone who is awake bedtime or has often had difficulty sleeping, usually use the time to snacking, therefore sleep and obesity are closely linked. Night time awake sometimes bring your instinct to pass time with snacking at night, resulting in uncontrolled or poorly controlled intake of calories in the body, this is due to the reaction of hormones that trigger appetite you out, but can not make the stomach feel full.

    When the body politic of a feeling you are experiencing emotional disturbances such as stress, the body will automatically issue a stress hormone. These hormones can also trigger increased appetite, not a few people who are sometimes in a state of feeling that is unstable or forgotten in the strain of excessive food consumption.

    Antidepressant drugs are one of the kind of drugs that can contribute to weight gain, plus if consumed in the long run. There are as well other types of drugs to be aware of, such as hypertension medications, migraine headaches, diabetes and other drugs. Because these drugs often experience a negative impact on weight gain.

    Hyperthyroidism has a thyroid gland that is sited around the neck that is shaped like a butterfly, when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone or thyroid deficiency, the body will feel the sign easily feel tired, weak, slow walks body's metabolism so the weight is gained.

    Often Consume Sweet Foods and Beverages
    One of the causes of obesity in United is an answer of the consumption of food or beverages sweetened with excess calories, excess sugar can not provide any benefit for the body. But basically burnt sugar with carbohydrates to change into energy, thereby reducing the consumption of sugar in your food or beverages, including soft drinks and try to be more diligent to consume water more and more every day.

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