Alternative And Natural Medicine

Make a face mask of carrot

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Carrots are one of the fruits that has a myriad of benefits to our health. The most famous of all the benefits of carrots are carrots can nourish our eyes. That's because there is a substance in carrots that can be processed by the body and form a substance that will be very useful for the body. Substances that form what we call vitamins with vitamin A. So far the carrot is a fruit that has the most vitamin A content compared to other fruits.

However it turns out, vitamin A itself is not only useful as a vitamin for eye health. Vitamin A also has many benefits for our skin turns. There are several benefits that can be obtained from taking vitamin A in carrots. The beauty benefits of carrots for are as follows:

  1. Carrots can cure the face of acne.
One of the benefits of vitamin A to cure acne is stubborn in the face. Its function is able to clean the dirt that contains the bacteria that causes acne triggers, and also help the smooth circulation of oil on the skin so that the carrot can prevent the deposition of oil on the face which is the forerunner to the formation of acne on the skin.

2.    Another benefit than carrots for beauty is to prevent skin wrinkles. This is because carrots have a lot of the anti-oxidants which are very good for the skin which can prevent premature aging. In this day and age, in an age which is too competitive, which is almost instantaneous, but more complex, certainly it would be easy for someone to be triggered stress. Severe stress will potentially lead to aging, wrinkles. Then the other things that can lead to wrinkles also are air pollution that now more and more we find in urban areas, or in some foods that are not kept clean. All related premature aging can be overcome by eating carrots from within is by using juice, or with molded mask then it can be prevented or inhibited.

3.    Carrot is also helpful to keep the freshness and brightness of the skin. This is still related to vitamin A, which acts as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory as mentioned above. Departing from both these benefits, carrot able to rejuvenate the skin and clean the dirt that settles on the skin so that the skin looks fresher and brighter

  4.  Another benefit of carrot for skin beauty is to revitalize skin. If you have a lot of facial skin blemishes, acne scars or blemishes, then do not worry anymore... now there's a carrot that can help eliminate the problem of stubborn stains on the skin proficiency level. One of the problems of blemishes, acne scars or acne scars on the face. Carrots in addition to cleaning the dirt that settles on the face, including blemishes, scars can heal wounds and injuries, because that caused acne scars can be cured with the carrot mask.

Now we get into the way of making a carrot mask to be used as a face mask yes ladies. How to make it easy anyway, the steps are as follows:

Boil water in a pan, the volume of water has been just not too much. Then add some carrots to the cooking water. Boil carrots until soft. Then discard the cooking water, strain the carrots, and then puree carrots. Add honey to get maximum results, combine and mix the two.

Apply on the face as a whole, then wait until somewhat dried up approximately ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse your face with water to clean.

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