Alternative And Natural Medicine

Mandatory: Wise Ways to Quit Smoking

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Taking the decision to leave the cigarette is a courage of your own for active smokers. Some of you may have tried various ways to get out of the habit of smoking, but still did not manage to realize the noble goals.
Through the following ways you can run the process of eliminating the smoking habit that has ensnared you along:

    Clarify the reason you quit
    Give clear reasons to yourself before deciding to quit smoking. The reason "not good for health" alone is not enough. To increase motivation, you need a stronger reason and sense for yourself. Reasons such as: avoid family from secondhand smoke, want to look younger, to keep up appearances or to avoid lung cancer can be the answer to your goal.

    Do therapeutically
    Throw away your cigarettes and states have stopped completely indeed not as easy as you might think. 95% of people who try to quit smoking without treatment will re-touched a cigarette. They argued on the grounds of nicotine in cigarettes that causes addiction. The brain becomes accustomed to nicotine and very needed.

    Ask prescription drugs
    Consult with your doctor and ask them about prescription drugs should you consume. Now there are pills that can reduce hunger which affects chemicals in the brain. The drug also makes cigarettes as less satisfying activity, as well as help reduce the symptoms of depression or difficulty concentrating.

    Do not do it yourself
    Tell family, friends or colleagues while you are undergoing the process of quitting smoking. This action can give changes mean for you. Talking with a group or therapist is able to help you identify strategies and actions to stop you. Combined treatment with drugs that can increase your intent to quit smoking.

    Keep away from alcohol and other
    Alcohol is the most common triggers for smoking. If you are still in the early stages of the process, try to consume less alcohol than usual or move to other beverages. If you choose coffee, but the coffee turns out a similar effect, try switching to tea for a few weeks. If you smoke after eating, immediately brush your teeth or chew some gum to avoid a strong desire to smoke.

    Clean the house
    After the last cigarette, get rid of ashtrays and lighters you. Wash all of your clothes or carpets and curtains are leaving the smell of cigarette smoke. Use air freshener to get rid of cigarette scent in your home. This serves to eliminate your memory of everything about cigarettes.

    Physical activity can help you reduce nicotine opiate. When cigarettes 'call' you, immediately put skates and sports shoes near you. Moderate exercise such as walking with pets can also help you. Dispose of excess calories you can also ward off weight gain when you quit smoking.

    Consumption of fruit and vegetables
    Do not go on a diet while you are in the process of stopping smoking, but the focus on food such as vegetables, fruits, and other low-calorie foods. The study by Duke University say that the food is able to make cigarettes taste bad.

    Choose your own reward
    Give your self-esteem when you got out of the habit of smoking. Collect the money that you would normally use to buy cigarettes, and find that you are happy because they do not waste the money. Use the money for pleasure are positive for yourself and your family.

    Due to health
    From the whole way over, make an excuse "to do for the sake of health" as your main goal. Quitting smoking is proven to have a direct benefit to your life. In addition to lowering blood pressure, normalize levels of carbon monoxide, the risk of heart attack and recovery performance of the lung will be able you feel after a two-week to three-month process.

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