Alternative And Natural Medicine

High dietary fiber

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Fiber has long been recognized to improve digestive health and functioning well as regularity, but it is only two parts of the various benefits offered by fiber. Established in a research study published in a journal of clinical nutrition American (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition), found that people who eat a diet high in fiber from grains (oats), barley (barley), eggplant (eggplant). Okra, and other vegetables, cholesterol decreased to near 30 percent after 4 weeks.

Useful addition to bettering the health of the digestive system and lowers the level of cholesterol, high-fiber diet can also help you reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as to maintain and sustain the weight remains in control.
Food sources of fiber include wheat bran, nuts and many vegetables are safe sources of soluble fiber. Besides wheat, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium are a useful source of fiber for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
The benefits of a diet high in fiber

    Normal defecation
    Fiber increases stool weight and size, and can soften the feces. Fiber can accelerate spending because the feces is not digested or absorbed by the fiber. Fiber may reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

    Helps maintain the wholeness of the gut and intestinal health
    Diet can lower the risk of hemorrhoids or piles and small scoops in the colon (Diverticular disease). More or less fiber is fermented in the large intestine. The researchers looked at how this may play a part in preventing colon disease.

Lowers blood cholesterol levels
    Insoluble fiber is found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat bran may help lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol. Epidemiological surveys have shown that increased fiber in the diet can lower blood pressure and inflammation, which also protect heart health.

Help control blood sugar levels
    Fiber, especially soluble fiber, can slow the absorption of sugar, which for people with diabetes can help lower blood sugar levels. A diet that includes insoluble fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

This also helps in weight loss
    Diets high in fiber take a long time to chew so give the body time to signal satiety thus helping to lose weight and tend to not consume too much. Besides fiber diet tends to fix a meal feel larger and linger - so the longer the stomach longer to feel hungry again. Diets high in fiber tend to be less energy means calories and very serious for people who are trying to lose weight.

Prevention of colorectal cancer
    Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of high fiber in the prevention of colorectal cancer, but some studies showed no effect on the prevention of colorectal cancer that is still in controversy. Whatever it is, the fiber has been examined to help the health of the intestine.

Side effects of high dietary fiber
High-fiber diets cause effects such as bloating, intestinal gas production increased and sometimes cramps. In anticipation of this, the high-fiber diet should slowly and gradually over a few weeks. It likewise provides an opportunity for the natural bacteria in the digestive system to adjust to the change. In addition, drink plenty of water because fiber works better when it absorbs urine and makes the stools become soft and big.

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