Alternative And Natural Medicine

Ways Lowering High Blood Pressure or hypertension Naturally

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Ways Lowering High Blood Pressure or hypertension Naturally - High line pressure or hypertension is a disease of increased blood pressure in the blood vessels in a period of time long enough. The increment in blood pressure can be caused by a narrowing of vessels that cause fat deposits and substances - other substances.
Presently about 7 out of 10 adults are at high risk of stroke or heart attack because their blood pressure is too high. Solid activity, lack of exercise, and consuming lots of fast food triggers the emergence of this disease. Nevertheless, if you have been diagnosed with this disease, you can lower it by natural means such as the following:

1 Exercise regularly
Moderate physical exertion such as jogging that you are regularly bringing many health benefits such as increasing the absorption of oxygen and lowering blood pressure by strengthening your heart.

2. Eating yogurt
The scientists found that yogurt is rich in calcium are able to reach your blood vessels more flexible. This would be helpful for the blood circulation in your consistency.

3. Many eating bananas
Begin to incorporate bananas as your breakfast card. Bananas contain potassium which is a mineral rod for controlling the liquid balance in the body and helps lower blood pressure.

4. Limit foods high in salt
salt is capable to increase the volume and pressure of blood in your arteries. So, avoid foods high in salt such as fast food, processed foods and instant food.

5. Lose weight
Excess weight also contributes to the increase in your blood pressure. Being overweight will make your heart work harder to pump blood throughout the physical structure.

6. Do not smoke
Nicotine contained in cigarettes will stimulate the body to produce epinephrine. The adrenaline will make your heart pound faster and make it work hard.

7. Celery juice
Celery treating high blood pressure with real natural healing has long been practiced in traditional Chinese. As well as recent studies have proven that the drinking celery juice every day throughout the week can help lower blood pressure. This is backed up by high potassium, minerals and antioxidants present in it. Celery also contains compounds known 3-n-butyl-phthalide useful to stretch or widen the artery wall muscles to allow blood to flow more smoothly. The Celery also can cut down stress hormones that can lead to blood vessels to constrict.

8. Reduce overtime
Compared with those who sustain a regular work schedule, the workers who work overtime potential for developing high blood pressure by 29%. Extra time will make you hardly have any time to exercise and eat healthy foods.

9. Avoid snoring during sleep
loud snoring during sleep is one of the symptoms of sleeping ebony. And sleep apnea is a trigger high blood force per unit area.

10. Reduce use of caffeine - Researchers from Duke University Medical Center, the United States found that 500 mg of caffeine, equivalent to 3 cups of coffee can increase high blood pressure.

11. Garlic
Garlic Using natural ingredients to lower your high blood pressure is not without cause, because the existing Ellison compound in garlic is useful to widen and avoid blood clots, the cause of the ongoing hypertension. Any other character that garlic is good for high blood dodge the ability to break down fat and lower levels of bad cholesterol.

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