Alternative And Natural Medicine

Various healthy diet

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 I. Atkinâ € ™ s Diet or Atkins Diet
The theory of Dr. Robert C. Atkins low-carb diet, high protein, high fat and without limiting the number of calories in, became very popular and much-loved women in America and around the world. Atkins diet is a way to allow to consume as much fat and protein such as red meat (beef), chicken, duck, eggs, cheese, butter up. But rice, corn, bread, potatoes, yams, cassava, and taro should be excluded or limited consumption.

Lose weight quickly, without hunger, without drugs, stay energized even on a diet

Atkin diet with the composition of foods high in protein, high fat and low carbohydrate levels become unbalanced diet, when practiced in the long term can cause kidney and liver dysfunction, the Atkins diet force the body to use energy from fat and become involved in ketosis. Ketosis will destroy muscle cells and dehydration, effects of nausea, headaches and difficulty concentrating. This gives rise to a deficiency of dietary nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. With this diet increases the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, and colon cancer due to lack of fiber intake. One thing that is important, that the high-protein diet increases the release of calcium from the kidneys thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis. Atkins Diet should not be performed by patients with impaired renal function and liver, children and adolescents in its infancy, lupus, pregnant and lactating women. Atkins Diet should not be used in the long term

II. The South Beach Diet
This diet was created by Dr. Arthur Agatston a cardiologist (heart specialists), by adhering to a diet high in protein, low in fat only use good fats (omega-3 and 6, as well as MUFA or monounsaturated fatty acids), does not limit the intake of complex carbohydrates (carbs with index low glycemic).

    Streamline the body without causing hunger
    Lowering blood lipid profile (cholesterol and LDL decreased)
    Supervise blood sugar levels
    Preventing heart disease because this diet encourages eating carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and good fats (essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6)

This diet does not restrict the amount of food intake. Foods with a low glycemic index overload can make the body less energy. This diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, child ren, adolescents in its infancy. Patients with kidney disease are not recommended, patients with heart disease and diabetes should be consulted before this diet.

III. Zone Diet
Carbohydrate diet with 40% of total calories, protein 30% of the total calories and fat 30% of total calories.

This diet can help you lose weight

Patients with kidney disease are not recommended on this diet because of the high levels of protein can increase the burden of kidney function.
Patients with heart disease and diabetes need to be consulted before this diet. Children, teens in its infancy, pregnant and lactating women is not recommended on this diet before consulting first.

IV. The Sugar Buster Diet
Consuming complex carbohydrates (carbohydrates with a low glycemic index).

Lose weight fast.

This diet is actually low-calorie diet is not balanced, it is necessary to first consultation for patients with heart disease, kidney and urinary sweet before this diet.
Complex carbohydrate foods with low glycemic index can cause a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing the desire to eat and lose weight rapidly.

Children, adolescents and pregnant and lactating women should consult.
On this diet for long periods can cause the body lacks the amino-acid, which acts to establish and maintain the body's defense system of the body tissues, in addition to the body becomes less energized. Supplementation of vitamins and minerals during this diet.

V. The Cabbage Soup Diet
Adheres to consume cabbage soup for 7 days in a row. On this diet lower the amount of complex carbohydrates, low protein content, fat content is also low.

Pros: very faster weight loss than other diets because it is very low calorie.

Disadvantages: This diet indirectly restricts a person's food intake, including a low calorie diet that is not balanced.
The cabbage soup diet is less desirable because they create a sense of hunger for those who are on this diet for body slimming purposes. Very low calories that can occur vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Need a multivitamin and mineral supplementation for those who are on this diet.

This diet can not be used in the long term and should not be applied to children in infancy, pregnant and lactating women, or in the medical supervision due to illness. This kind of diet can cause side effects fatigue, headaches, and decreased concentration. Also, it can cause bloating or feeling full in the stomach, which can cause heartburn because cabbage is a vegetable which can cause gas in the digestive tract

VI. Dairy Free Food Diet
This diet recommended by nutritionists in children with autism, celiac disease, gluten or dairy allergy and intolerance. On this diet allows foods containing gluten carbohydrates and protein instead of dairy products including cheese, butter made from cow's milk.

This diet helps overcome the cow's milk protein allergy in children, therapy helps children with autism and celiac disease. This diet also helps slimming program.

Keep in substitution of other proteins such as soy protein to replace cow's milk, when applied to children who are in a period of growth.

This diet can lead to deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins that need a multi-vitamin and mineral supplementation.
Patients with kidney disease should consult.

May be useful!

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